Monday, October 25, 2004

Another Day

I woke up this morning at about 3 am sweating like a dog... I had to get up and go to the next couch and turn the ceiling fan on so that I could cool off. Then I ended up waking up late and rushed into the shower...
I took the kids to school and went to work... I thought about some of the things that I want to accomplish in the next few years... I need to map out a plan so that I can succeed. I am really ready to complete my personal site... I have an idea of what I want to do I just need to execute my plan and go with it....
When I go to work I was a little tired and when I am tired it is really hard for me to focus on my work. I tend to end up surfing the web... It is only when I go to bed early the next day that I am able to feel awake and alive..
My wife is so funny, she said that she would never buy my son a motorcycle and know she is considering it because he went to the races the other day and enjoyed it... Can you say Sucker!

well I will blog later...


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