Friday, December 28, 2007

Some Feedback...

So far so good. Here are a couple of comments that I have received from readers.

"Thanks for the email. I think its about time someone created something like this for Bakersfield. I especially like how it showcased people of color doing positive. This needs to be circulated to young kids in Bakersfield so they know they can fulfill their dreams in this city."

"The magazine is great and so are the stories and pictures! It is so nice to see someone focusing on the good that people do out here, along with displaying the message to "follow your dreams". Very inspiring!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Great magazine. I know you thought that I might not read it. You've got the talent to be a great entrepreneur. Don't hold back or look back, fulfill your dreams and let the Lord guide you. I've gotten past many disappointments in my life through prayer and commitment working in the oil industry. As Nikki mentioned stay focused on your grass and not your neighbors. One of the things that holds us back as people of color is envious and strife. I'm always proud to see others succeed in their endeavors (e.g. Fred Prince). Suggestions: If you can do a follow-up story with individual such as Gabe that would be fantastic. Thomas or Warner may be interesed in during an ariticle. This is a format for businesses in general (all ethnic groups) which could generate revenue from advertising. Keep up the good work.


8:41 AM  

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