Wednesday, January 07, 2009

How important are images?

Last night, as I was going through all of my images in my Aperture library, I realized just how important images are in my life. I found a photo of my son and daughter from 2003. As I looked at the photos, I remembered that time in their young lives and the time it was in my life.

The photos brought me joy and sadness. The joy was seeing their small little faces and remembering how they were always by my side. The sadness was I can never relive that moment. I can never see them at that age again. I am crying as I write this because of the joy of seeing them grow and mature, but also because they are growing and maturing.:)

The photo is what brought all of these emotions out of me. A simple photo that was taken with a 2mp digital camera that was given to me by their Aunt Gail. That camera captured these precious moments that I can only relive when I see those pictures.

How important are your images? Let me know....


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